The WoWFusion community has been around for over 4 years. The people within the community are very friendly and helpful. Everyone is welcome. There is currently one server, running on a heavily modified version of ArcEmu revision 408. This is the original core that was used in 2007-2008, and has been codenamed Phoenix. The development team is very active, constantly fixing bugs and adding new content and features. The BurnedFusion (High Rate 40x) realm is a re-imagination of the original BurningFusion from 2007-2008. There is a full, extensive shopping mall, which allows players to see what the end-game content looks like with relative ease. There is a full-featured vote reward system players can use to earn in-game gear, gold, and other assorted things with. We have custom hyjal, and plan to implement much, much more - keep an eye out. All content is designed and well-thought out before being released, so that players can experience the full potential of anything created. The WoWFusion community is the one and only. This has been proven with countless attempts by fate to split us up, yet we have persevered. We are very alive and kicking. Come check us out, You wont be disappointed.