FUN SERVER WOWBEEZ PACHES 4.X Cataclysm and 3.X Wrath of the Lich King[urlwww.wowbeez]Wow Private Server[/url]WowBeez is a World of Warcraft Private ServerWe have 8 Realms and over 4000 players online on any time of the day and a great GM supportREALMS:Altar of Storms 3.3.5Dark Iron 4.3.4Demon Sould 4.3.4New realm: Wow 1.12 Vanilla pre-tbcAnother new realm: 3.3.5a Wotlk Blizzlike content.World of Warcraft is a MMORPG made by Blizzard. The Game has two opposing factions, the Alliance and the Horde, when you create a account and login for the first time and press create character, you will have to choose between the Alliance and the Horde, that will edit your entire future in the game. The alliance are commonly seen as the quotgood guysquot The races of the Alliance are, The Humans, The Dwarves, The Gnomes, The Night Elves, and the Draenei.The Horde are commonly seen as the quotbad guysquot The races of Horde are , The Orcs, The Trolls, The Tauren, The Undead, and the Blood Elves.039039 You will also have to pick a class, the clases in the World of Warcraft are: Druid, Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogues, Shaman, Warlock amp Warriors. The class you choose will determine the types of spells and abilities you can use, and armour you can wear. You will have to level up, and gear up your character, so you can become more powerful, on some wow private servers and realms like Instant 80 or Fun Realm, you will be able to start instantly at level 80 or it will take less than 1 hour to get to 80, depending on the server and realm you choose. World of Warcraft is a great game for all ages, you get to socialize make friends, and immerse yourself into a world of fantasy, war, friendship, and becoming the strongest, you can be The new update will be Wrath of the Lich King including Death Knight heroic class.