RYL2 Reunion Online Private Server

RYL2 Reunion Online
RYL2 Reunion is a private server dedicated providing players with the best RYL2 experience. 4 maps.Newbie shops for new players to buy some good beginner gears and rings.Version: 2526EXP Rate: NormalDrops Rate: Normal


RYL2 Reunion Online Info:
  • RYL2 Reunion is a private server dedicated providing players with THE best RYL2 experience.Features:- Technical support team for any and all issues you have regarding the server.- Newbie shops to provide new players with great starting gear to help with leveling and farming.- Total of 4 maps for players to play on that include farming locations, heavy PvP areas.- Bosses that can be killed 1on1 if good enough gear and very hard ones that need party to kill.- 24/7 Staff Support on our forums and GM Support in-game.- Alot of guides in the forum- Version: 2526- EXP Rate: Normal- Drops Rate: Normal- Dark amp Light gear with nice stats on them available in donation cart.- Templar Guard Arm amp Human shield convertion to recieve 2,000 defense when you have reached 4,000 block rate on them.Server has been online for over 3 years

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