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Valhallalost Private Server

ValhallaLost- For 20 years free, family shard Huge custom maps with 100s of unique NPCs. Duel/PK Areas,Raids,Quests. Race and Class, no skill cap, Rares, PVP, roleplay, Excellent crafting system, helpful players and staff. Pol 100.1,StygianAbyss

Valhallalost Info:
Valhalla Lost was built by Lord Odin 20 years ago for his Lady Freya.
Sadly both Freya and Odin have now passed from this world but the vision lives through the dedication of staff, friends and Odins family. Honoured mention goes out to Bernard [Odins son], who was instrumental in allowing us to gain access and -ownership of the domain name, website and shard server. Without this help the dream could not remain.
Id like to mention the hard work of a few people:
Tack - Our gifted scripter who loves his Easter eggs
Buri - Our gifted account maker, hes got one job [not true]
Bear - Our gifted content writer
Volund - Our gifted Volund [Quest creator]
0z - Webmaster [persistent and there when called upon]
Ursus - Our very gifted Artist [all original art work is copyright to Ursus]
Current staff: Tack, Buri, Volund, Bear, Sol, Mani
Former staff: Big thank you to each and every one -of you that has helped build Odins dream for over two decades. What more can I say but perhaps we stand on the shoulders of giants.
Lastly but not leastly, Our players: Thank you. You are a big reason why we do this. Some drift away, some come back. Rest assured the home fires are still burning for when you come in, out from -the cold.
Our website has a Blog for current Quest and News, a Forum for community and a wiki for a manual.
The shard is running POL100.1 using a custom client [Stygian Abyss] on a Fiberoptic connection.
Family friendly, not forced roleplay, dedicated PvP map, 2 knockout then deathcry, 14- Races and 18-Classes- gives you many characters to try.
The work Tack has done on our scripts is extensive and envied.
If you are looking for a friendly home we will be here.

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