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MIR2-DOOM server Private Server

MIR2-DOOM LOM2 v.1.9.5 original SERVERThe official site for LEGEND OF MIR 2 with latest version 1.9.5 , the unic version in the world. Are official site for Romania amp Greece, and are in game in 2 language:Romanian amp English.

MIR2-DOOM server Info:
LEGEND OF MIR 2 - MIR2K-DOOM SERVERThe official site , for unic Legend of Mir 2 version 1.9.5 for Greece and RomaniaAll the detail u can see on our site Very new monsters, real play game, lots of items, armour...etc. U can use for questions our forum. Detail about our game:- low experiences , but wonderfull.- original version from the begining, without critical modifications where was update only new monsters, new items, new caves, spell of our monsters, added new NPC for Quests, and informations, and more without modifications with bases caves, or place of NPCs, and others stuffs(like u must to buy TownTeleports not to use comand line town or something,...), who was esential from the begining. With this server you can see what was the corect ideea about legendofmir. All others private server take off a lot of wonderfull original ideeas , for what the peoples like it this game LOM 2.- Here u begin with level 1, and u can make a long experience from the begining because all the lands have monsters , like a 1 real game in the past. Is like an dream, but wonderful Dream. The dream of Legend of Mir2K-DOOM.We wait u in game

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