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Legend Of Mir 2.3 Pongo Server Private Server

Pongo Server has a very friendly growing community of players. 5x Exp rate with a lot more to be added in Project Uber patch including everything from Final Fantasy 10 and 11. For more info check out the forums linked to our website .Free to Play

Legend Of Mir 2.3 Pongo Server Info:
Project UBER Patch will bring Mir and Final Fantasy together to make an incredible expreiance not found anywhere else, there won039t be any kind of rewind or any server wipes so you can play with confidence.Here039s a list of things to expect within the UBER Patch, please note that figures shown are whats been que039d up for the patch and that they are subject to change as the patch tends to get larger by the day.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Completly customised interface, designed by Pongo StaffTalking NPCs7500+ new quests added as well as the complete storyline from Final Fantasy 10750+ new provinces/caves/temples etc.Subjobs, choose weather to be a Summoner or a Guardian.Visit the temples and try to battle your way through the 039Cloister of trials039 to then battle the aeon, if you defeat it you will obtain it as your pet and also a statue will be put up in honour of the person who defeated the aeon in the waiting room just before you enter the fayths room where you fight the aeons.Aeons, Summoners pets. There are 9 in totalMusic from FF10 and 11 (most map music is optional for download)NPCs from FF10 along side a host of new NPCs.Lots of new leveling areas for ALL levels, not just higher level.Horses Sod those Have a Chocobo try to find an egg and hatch it at the Chocobo Stables, once its fully grown you may ride it.A new armour that has never been seen before in mir, as it is custom built from Pongo Staff.Heaven Armour won039t drop after the patch, instead of the armour dropping you must collect 8 puzzle peices to then go on a quest to obtain the armour, but beware there are now 3 types, normal, gold and red (colours refer to the wing colour)Tired of leveling go fishing In certain maps, you will beable to go fishing, make sure you have your rod and bait, there will also be another 8 activities which will be kept secret for now.Housing estate, you039ll beable to buy your own personal house with your very own moogle who will look after the house for you, he will fix and store things for you plus if your nice to him, on special occasions he might give you a rare moogle present which can only be obtained via a moogle. (Housing costs will vary from town to town)New NPCs such as an oven lets you make food items which give you special power-ups that other food won039t and also if you collect enough wood you039ll beable to craft items for your house such as a sofa, a bed or even why not treat yourself to a pet goldfish.The New PVP system, fight for fun otherwise go into the point room and you will gain points for winning in PVP, at the end of each month the top 3 PVPers will be awarded medals.Also beware that it may seem all peaceful most of the time, but the calm is far from eternal...--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Staff beta testing was due for the 17th May 08 but, due to the test server cooking itself to death, the beta will be held on the 31st May 08. Staff will keep everyone informed of the progress via the forums.

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