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Reloaded Gaming Private Server

Reloaded Gaming/Gaming Community/Ventrilo/SA:MP/Made by gamers, For gamers.

Reloaded Gaming Info:
.:Reloaded Roleplay:. [b]Flash Ad: Its 11:49AM, your walk out of the 24/7 with a slushie in your hand as you hear a dense humming from close by. You look around to try and find where this noise come from, then out of the corner of your eye, you spot a big black FBI Rancher creeping around the corner, one, two, then a limo comes out with 2 more FBI Ranchers trailing behind. The trucks are coming in your direction, slowly. You notice the two American Flags flicker on the stands on the limos hood as the beastly line of cars begin to pass you, the rumbling is immense, it feels like an earthquake passing. Then, from across the street, a black sedan tears out of an alley going as fast as lightning towards the convoy. Two of the FBI trucks begin speeding head on towards the sedan filled with men with masks. You think the worst as you hear the Secret Service Ranchers

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