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Hellish Nexus Perfected Worlds Private Server

Free Private server for PerfectWorld. Great community and great GM support.Gold200k per65x EXP, CUSTOM experience rates REAL game play leveling75x MONEY5x SP15x ITEM DROP

Hellish Nexus Perfected Worlds Info:
Hellish-Nexus PerfectedWorlds (HNPW) is a collaboration between two teams and We have combined efforts to create a server that doesn039t copycat most other private servers. Our goal is to create a well balanced field of play where everything is attainable to the player, where players can039t simply buy their way to the top. We do not ask for any donations or money for any gear or items within the server, this is a 100 free server unlike a lot of other private servers who charge for certain items or perks. HNPW also believes in fair play where nobody, not even GMs mortal characters and their friends have ANY advantage over others, this again is quite unique to HNPW as not even official servers abide by this ethic let alone the private ones. So what does HNPW want to achieve Well we would like to build a community that is well balanced, where items and gear aren039t simply given to the player from day one and be bored within an hour of playing. HNPW has a totally re-calculated XP system where leveling actually gets easier as you increase in level, level 150 is very attainable with a little hard work. Gold and items drops have been increased but not to a level where it makes everything worthless, so there still is some kind of economy structure intact. We will be implementing new custom features to the server in the coming weeks and months, we already have custom rancor, ADC Bosses and Zombie Attack events up and running on a regular basis alongside the normal rancor events. HNPW are striving to improve the game and get an official latest version available to host. Most if not all private servers will sell you on the fact that they have version 1.4.0 + These are not official versions of the client, they are simply edited 1.3.2 clients displaying the 1.4.0 version number. We are working hard to get the latest official version up and running which is 1.3.9. As of now there is no official 1.4.0+ server host software available. HNPW also have a fully functioning help desk with a very efficient ticket system which will help members of the community with problems and queries. Please take the time to download our lag free client and give the server a test drive. Hope to see you all soon.Hellish-Nexus Team.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[colorwhite] perfect world perfectworld top server best number one 1 No.1 private populated latest version [/color]

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