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Blood Rage C2 Private Server

Los rates del servidor son x1 y tenemos reglas especiales en cuanto a la organizaci

Blood Rage C2 Info:
quotBlood Ragequot server is based on C2 with 1x rates, with all at it features and at this time it is not planed to change this condition or update to other Chronicle. They are many causes that have led us to make this decision:1- Harder PvP: there is no CP and, of course, nor CP potions. A surprise attack is more lethal and makes combat frenetic. Of course, Blessed Scroll of Scape neither exist and you must run away at old style.2- Harder game: it039s harder to become a high lv character, and leveling requires increase work team from players.3- No bonus for new players: new players must work harder from the first moment.But the special server characteristic is the quotGood amp Evilquot system.Lineage II C2 is base in 5 known races: Dwarfs, Humans, Elfs, Dark Elfs and Orcs. We have separated this races in two factions: Good (Human and Elfs) and Evil (Dark Elfs and Orcs), where Dwarf are at a neutral position (they can choose on what side want to play).The guilds can only recruit members from the same race than the guild leader. It means, for example, that a human founding a clan, will be only able to recruit human characters.Penalty: If a guild leader recruits a character from another race, that character and a random member of the guild will be banned, because we need the respect from all players for taking part in this role feature we have implemented.Alliances in server will be only possible within same faction or neutral guilds. (Human - Elf - Dwarves or Dark Elfs - Orcs - Dwarves).Penalty: If an alliance recruits a guild from another faction, this last will be entire banned together with 3 members of any guild forming part of the Alliance.Dwarves can become part of any guild in the game, but a guild founded by a dwarf will be only available to recruit dwarves. In that case, the guild can become part in any alliance of good or evil.If a Dwarf guild founds an alliance, they will only be able to recruit guilds from the same faction of the first guild recruited.In any case, PvP or PK is allowed between ALL CHARACTERS OF ANY RACE in the game, including clan wars. Also, players from rival factions can share group or party at any moment.

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