World of The Gods 335a Level 255 Private Server

World of The Gods 335a Level 255
[Up Since 2008][700k+ players][Fun Level 255-WotLK][No lag][Stable Core][Working Arena][Fully scripted instances][Cata/MoP Mounts][Custom Instances, Items, Titles, etc][Malls, Transmog, Portable Teleport NPC][Active PvE][Custom PvP Zone][Balanced PvP][Pro Staff][Daily upgrades]


World of The Gods 335a Level 255 Info:
  • set realmlist logon.worldofthegods. com
    Different type realms: The Gods 255 / Daemonia of the Gods
    The Gods 255 - WotLK 3.3.5a - max. level 255, Welcome vendor with custom thinks, all Battlegrounds and Arenas working in both realms, level Roads with custom drop, custom items with super stats 50k+ dmg, custom Instances and scripted Events, TAXI and Miniteleporter, MALLs, Custom Ruby Sanctum and Naxxramas instances, a lot of Free Items, Unique quests and events, more in game.
    Daemonia of the Gods - Legion 7.2.5 - high-rate Legion server, with blizzlike content only.
    We have better dedicated server, that can support 1k+ online
    Become a part of us right now. You will never leave us.

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