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Fake Aion 1.9 - The Tower of Eternity Private Server

3 Servers (GER/ENG/FRA) -gt High / Middle / Low Free Fly Race-Change Level 126 1.9 Support + Autopatcher with repair function Abyss + Siege System 24/7 laagfree Dedicated Server 99 Complete Server Aion 2.0 Stuff implemented

Fake Aion 1.9 - The Tower of Eternity Info:
Welcome Fake-Gaming is is the provider of the biggest Perfect World Private Server, with a community of over 16.500+ players, we have a good base for our new game... Fake Aion Fake-Gaming is currently providing 3 aion servers in 3 languanges and 3 different rates. We039re providing 3 multilingual servers which are :High-Rate : 1000x EXP-Rate, 1000x Quest-EXP-Rate, 100x Quest-Kinah Rate, 50x Drop-Rate, 1000x Abyss Rate and max lvl 126Middle-Rate : 500x EXP-Rate, 500x Quest-EXP-Rate, 50x Quest-Kinah Rate, 25x Drop-Rate, 1000x Abyss Rate and max lvl 126Low-Rate : 15x EXP-Rate, 15x Quest-EXP-Rate, 10x Quest-Kinah Rate, 15x Drop-Rate, 1000x Abyss Rate and max lvl 126The available languages are english, german and french. Currently running in a open beta The development of our Server is realy far because we have almost everything working except some little things.All servers are hosted on dedicated servers which are located in a high-speed datacenter in germany, this will give you the best playing experience We wish everyone much fun at our Server039s

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