RYL2 The Hidden Kingdom Private Server

RYL2 The Hidden Kingdom
RYL 2 The Hidden Kingdom Brand new server come and be the very best player and rule the wars Lots of changes Unique gameplay, crafting system, Guild war system and much more Whole new RYL expierance. .Here you will face a real changes.


RYL2 The Hidden Kingdom Info:
  • RYL2 Gods of War. Softcap server. We have 3 different wars including Statue war on Dark Caernarvon, Medal war on our Arena Map, amp Guild war on Caernarvon. Items now have 7 slots at +10 and G gems can fit into the slots. New jewelry can be bought using Medals and upgraded from boss drops. The server has good protection and security provided by the Lost Kingdom support team. Come join today and win that war

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