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Shallow-Realms has multiple realms supporting patch 1.12.1 2.4.3 and 3.3.5a we will not update to cataclysm We have work for gear realms, blizzlike realms, fun realms, pvp only realms, mixed PvE and PvP realms I039ll copy a little of information from our website about 2 realms.[SIZEquot7quot][CENTER][URLquot]Shallow-Realms[/URL][/CENTER][/SIZE][SIZEquot6quot]Pond 3.3.5a Realm Information[/SIZE][SIZEquot5quot]Fast Facts:[/SIZE] No Free Epics Instant 80 Raid / PvP for better gear Working Dungeon Finder Working Economy (yes gold is worth farming) Seasons system All Working Instances and PvP Easy max skill professions Shallow-Realms039 3.3.5a realm quotPondquot is also a no free epics and instant maximum level realm. The idea is to create a simulation of retail when you just hit level 80. When you first create your character, you039ll find yourself in our mall in the floating City of Dalaran.[SIZEquot5quot]In the mall you can find:[/SIZE] All Class trainers training for free Armor Vendors selling 5 man non-heroic dungeon equipment and crafting PvP sets for free Weapons from 5man non-heroic dungeons for free Bad quality uncommon gems for free General Goods for free If you read the quotFast Factsquot you might have wondered what does quotSeasons systemquot mean... Let me explain.As of the realm039s publish 8.12.2010 we start from season 5. This means that you can039t find vendors selling season 6 equipment, nor can you loot Emblem of triumph from heroics or raids.[SIZEquot5quot]What you do find is:[/SIZE] Emblem of Heroism from Heroics Emblem of Heroism from Raids Emblem of Heroism as Quest Rewards Season 5 Equiptment VendorsAlso as a part of the Seasons system we have closed out all the non-open instances for season 5.[SIZEquot5quot]Open Instances:[/SIZE] Utgarde Keep (UK/UTK) 67 (70-72) + Heroic The Nexus (Nexus/Nex) 66 (71-73) + Heroic Azjol-Nerub (AZN/AN) 67 (72-74) + Heroic Ahn039kahet: The Old Kingdom (ANK/OLD/AKO/OK) 68 (73-75) + Heroic Drak039Tharon Keep (DTK) 69 (74-76) + Heroic The Violet Hold (VH) 70 (75-77) + Heroic Gundrak (GD) 71 (76-78) + Heroic The Oculus (Occ) 75 (80) + Heroic Caverns of Time: Culling of Stratholme (Culling/COS) 75 (80) + Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle (UP) 75 (80) + Heroic Naxxramas (Naxx10/Naxx25) 80 (80+) Obsidian Sanctum (OS/Sarth10/25) 80 (80+) Vault of Archavon (Vault/VoA10/25) 80 (80+) The Eye of Eternity (Maly/EoE10/25) 80 (80++)[SIZEquot6quot]Laguna 2.4.3 Realm Information[/SIZE][SIZEquot5quot]Fast Facts:[/SIZE] No Free Epics Instant 70 Raid / PvP for better gear Working Economy (yes gold is worth farming) Seasons system All Working Instances and PvP Easy max skill professions Shallow-Realms039 2.4.3 realm quotLagunaquot is a a no free epics and instant maximum level realm. The idea is to create a simulation of retail when you just hit level 70. When you first create your character, you039ll find yourself in our mall in the City of Shattrath.[SIZEquot5quot]In the mall you can find:[/SIZE] All Class trainers training for free Armor Vendors selling blue 5man instance equip for free Weapons from 5man instaces for free Bad quality uncommon gems for free General Goods for free If you read the quotFast Factsquot you might have wondered what does quotSeasons systemquot mean... Let me explain.As of the realm039s publish 30.11.2010 we start from season 1. This means that you can039t find vendors selling season 2 equipment.Only Season 1 Vendors are Spawned for season 1.Also as a part of the Seasons system we have closed out all the non-open instances for season 1.[SIZEquot5quot]Open Instances:[/SIZE] Hellfire Citadel: Hellfire Ramparts (Ramps) 57, 57-67 (57-72) + Heroic Hellfire Citadel: The Blood Furnace (BF) 58, 59-68 (58-72) + Heroic Coilfang Reservoir: Slave Pens (SP) 57, 60-69 (61-72) + Heroic Coilfang Reservoir: The Underbog (UB) 57, 61-70 (62-72) + Heroic Auchindoun: Mana-Tombs (MT) 57, 62-71 (61-72) + Heroic Auchindoun: Auchenai Crypts (AC) 57, 63-72 (64-72) + Heroic Caverns of Time: Escape from Durnholde Keep (OH, DH, DK or Durn) , 64-73 (65-72) + Heroic Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls (AS, Seth, Seth Halls) 63, 65-73 (65-72) + Heroic Coilfang Reservoir: The Steamvault (SV) 65, 67-75 (69-70) + Heroic Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth (SL or Slabs) 65, 67-75 (68-71) + Heroic Hellfire Citadel: Shattered Halls (SH or Shatt Halls) 65, 67-75 (67-71) + Heroic Tempest Keep: The Mechanar (Mech) 67, 67-75 (69-72) + Heroic Tempest Keep: The Botanica (Bot) 67, 67-75 (68-72) + Heroic Caverns of Time: Opening the Dark Portal aka Black Morass (BM) 66, 68-75 (60-72) + Heroic Tempest Keep: The Arcatraz (Arc) 65, 68-75 (68-72) + Heroic Karazhan (Kara) 68 (70+) Gruul039s Lair (Gruul) 65 (70+) Hellfire Citadel: Magtheridon039s Lair 65 (70+)[SIZEquot7quot][CENTER][URLquot]Shallow-Realms[/URL][/CENTER][/SIZE]

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