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Luna - Creation - pvp Private Server

Luna Online private server - CREATION - All Retail Features, 24/7 Dedicated Server, , Long Term, Skill Auto Learn, All Working Skills, No lag No donations, FREE SLOTS Instances, Good Support, Join Now

Luna - Creation - pvp Info:
At the time when the Elves and Humans first emerged into the world, the savage Demons were quick to attack them both. Naturally, the new races possessed neither an understanding of the ways of war nor the equipment necessary to stand and fight, at least not with any real prospect of victory. Accordingly, the former chose to take flight, hoping to find a land where it would be possible to live in peace. The latter opted to stay, deciding to call upon the fiends039 longstanding enemies, the Dwarves, for assistance. Fortunately, this appeal was successful. Wagons soon arrived, laden with enough fine weapons and stout armor for an army. Still, when the Elven monarch invited the Humans to join his people on the Floating Isles they had discovered, the offer was happily accepted. Of course, the Demons followed in pursuit.This tale continues in Luna Online, Eya Interactive039s massively multiplayer game that will debut in North America shortly, expanding the selection available through free to play publisher Gala-Net039s portal, gPotato. The design is said to place significant emphasis on social elements such as a matchmaking feature that pairs up complementary characters and gives them bonuses including access to so-called date instances where they have the chance to obtain special loot drops. Another example is the system implemented for families. Consisting of up to five members, they are long-term like guilds, but smaller and thus more personal. Each can acquire and operate its own farm, which may be leveled up so as to provide further benefits. Recently, we had the opportunity to learn more by asking the latter company039s Producer for the title, Elliott Coward, about these and various other elements.

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