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Private Server

Friendly Staff

What Is GodWorldGodworld is a server running with bukkit. GodWorld is hosted in Dallas, TX. We currently support a 200 player limit, but we are increasing our RAM. We opened our doors on April 2, 2011 and have been growing every day. We were the first server to update to 1.7_3 and we will be the first ones to update to 1.8.Does Godworld use an EconomyYes, we use Essentials Economy. With essentials Eco we have NPC shops and chest shops for the players to make their own shops. We also have the Official Market at Spawn with all the blocks in-game (sign interactive shop system).What are the main RulesNo griefing.Respect the Staff amp playersNo spamming the chat.No advertising other servers.Do not steal.Do not use client or mods (x-ray).How do I get build rightsTo be a Official Builder you need to gain the trust of the owners, build something epic (Needs to be something original) and have a clean record on the server. Place your builder application here.How does the Ranking System workWe have many ranks at Godworld. You can rank up for two reasons: For donating or for playing alot and building epic things (Builder), full information here.Why should I join to GodWorldAre you tired of joining countless numbers of servers, trying to find one with the rightplugins that you want, a nice community, and a good Staff team GodWorld is your best choice We have been online for 5 months And our community continues growing.We have many features, GodWorld is a freebuild server, you don

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