Come Try Us Got many event Got New santa Got Nice admin And Gm easy do item easy farm Nice donation Price Now Start Free item 2k2k2k
IN 0OUT 18
1.AAA Item Enabled2.Added New Dagger On NPC3.Added Dark And Light Item On NPC4.Added New Santa Texture In Game [Red,Yellow,Pink] Spider And etc5.Fame + 50 Per Kill 6.Medal + 50 Per Kill7.Added Exp Orbs On MAP18.Max Level 125 But auto Lvling until 110 :D9.DownGrade Now Enabled10.Sell item At Npc 5xx But easy Farm 11.Adds AutoBackup Database In Game .. Have Fun .. No Rollbacks No Downtime No Maintains 12.Always Got event 13.Nice donation Price14.ADD NEW TEXTURE AND NEW ITEM come Join us before late Now we doing event We are now running event along this RamadhanDont forget to invite all of your friend to join this event _What are kind of this eventOk now ill explain it to all1- You must collect 10 Helm Santa 2.5k Def (Get it from Bosses (Agrono)2- Collect 5k TOB (Get it from Skeltonton at farm spot)Collect all item needed and put it into your inventory and please send your ID and Character name to eventryl2chaos before 28/8/2011We are looking 5 first player to win this event1st, 2nd and 3rd Winner get 1 Set Spider Donate (Helm 4k4k Stat And Armor 8k Def)4th and 5th Winner get 1 Joker Helm 4k4k Stat and 1 Ring Set VVIP Stat of their choosenWe will announce winner of this event at 28/8/2011So Hurry UpGet the requirements item, send your ID and Character NameYou can win this eventFor more informationPlease Contact Admin Fuad A.S.A.PRegards Admin FuadHead Administrator RYL2 Revenge Of ChaosWWW.RYL2CHAOS.COM ....