Unlimited WoW 255 WoW Private Server, WotLK Funserver is running very stable since 2017 and is maintained by a professional team. Unlimited WoW LvL 255 Patch: 3.3.5a Server features: - Instant 255 - Balanced Classes - Custom Instances - Custom Tier 1 to Tier 25 and PvP Sets - Gurubashi Arena - Working Battlegrounds and Arena - Custom Gems andEnchants - Instant Professions - Custom Quests and World Bosses - All classes unlocked for every race - Special PvP reward per kill system - VIP and VOTE Items - Custom Weapons and Weapon Upgrades - Special Morphs - Transmog system and Transmog Mall - Boosted spells amp talents Instances Info - Ragefire Chasm: Tier 1 - Shadowfang Keep: Tier 2 -Pit of Saron: Tier 3 and Tier 4 - Scarlet Monastery: Tier 5 - Deadmines: Tier 6 - Gundrak: Tier 7 - Vault of Archavon: Tier 8 - ZulAman: Tier 8 - Gruuls Lair: Tier 12 - The Arcatraz: Tier 13 - The Blood Furnance: Tier 14 - Culling of Stratholme: Tier 15 - The Nexus: Tier 16 - Molten Core: Tier 17 - Black Temple: Tier 18 - Tempest Keep: Tier 19 -ZulGurub: Tier 20 - Karazhan: Tier 21 - Sunwell Plateau: Tier 22 tags best wow server, biggest wow server, unlimited wow, top 100, warmane, WoW, World of Warcraft, Warcraft, Private WoW Server, WoW Server, Private WoW Server, wow private server, wotlk, cataclysm private server, wow cata server,largest private server, wotlk private server, server,mists of pandaria, mop, cataclysm, shadowlands, top private servers 2022