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WOI Destiny [LC] XP/DROP:100 Max LV150 Private Server

No vote hourly zen/ Fun and Painless Gameplay/ All items obtainable through New Events and Marketplace/ Plethora of New Fashion_Mounts_Pets_Gears_Skills/ Instant LVL 110 with Starter Pack/ Forget about frustrating grinding even after donate/ Visit our website for more delightful detailed info/

WOI Destiny [LC] XP/DROP:100 Max LV150 Info:
What you need to know : Legendary Crusade Expansion.
This server is private. Meant only for selected donator.
For an amount of donation, you get 1m Zen and a VIP Title.
- With 1m Zen, you can basically buy everything. New upgrade will be slowly introduce.
- With VIP Title, you are given Exclusive Rights to New Maps and Events.
Balanced is our forte. We put our customization in players mindset.
- Unique hidden content to boost your power beyond. Variety of choices to choose from.
- Long-awaited 30 vs 30 PVP Tournament is available only from us.
- Custom Made: Mystery Land Event is available only from us.
What more can you expect from our server :
1. No Voting/Hourly Zen
We make sure you play the game and not wasting hours to get Zen.
2. No Unnecessary Grinding
Everything from level up, coin farm, pet ascension, crafting to build legion and more
3. Different Gearing System.
We allow self-upgrading for individuals.
Upgrade from Olympian[120] to Ultimate[125], Myth[130], Epic[140], Sage[150].
What will be after Sage. Stay Tuned. Coming soon.
4. Revamped Marketplace and NPC Shop
Our marketplace and shops will not disappoint you. Ease of access to all items/pets without paying more.
Want to change your name frequently Name Change Elixir is in Marketplace for only 100k Zen
5. Unique Bossing
We categorize bosses into green/red/special which refresh every 2/4 hours with selected special bosses on a specific time daily respectively. This will allow anyone to boss anytime when they are online. There will be 500+ bosses spawn daily. Bossing have its unique uses. Join us to know.
6. New Events
We love to breakthrough old boring instances and bring in new fun. We have developed 2 new pve and 1 new pvp events with some of our ideas that none other server provide. Not even official. Besides, we possess detailed knowledge of new official events from newer expansions.
7. Basic and Long-lasting.
By basic, we mean everything that is practically time-consuming and redundant is simplify. E.g. Removal of absorption requirement for Pet Ascension. Of course, we will keep providing updates and upgrades in a steady manner to ensure you can have long-lasting fun.
8. New items/gears/pets
Whatever we can have, whatever we can provide. We love new upgrades as much as you do.
9. Bloodline
Because we are on LC, we are certain that we have enough skill slots to provide 4 BL skills. As like we said, we love to breakthrough. We added Bloodline Passive Skills upgradable to LV10 as well. You never know what we are coming up with.
10. Hidden Content for Skills
We often talk about this skill is bad and that skill is bad. Have no worries in this server. We ensure every skill is useful. Even providing new way of using skills. We shall not reveal anything here.
11. Revamped Pet System
We make sure all boss and new pets are in Olympian Condition. Summon/Fuse.
We will be introducing 100+ more new pets, ranging from instances/event bosses to unreleased pet model as summon pets.
...Non-Donator Message
We know you want to play without donating. However, no server survive without donation. Therefore, we do have starter pack and 0 Zen market, which also means you will be missing out as your progression will be stuck to max LC limit e.g. Olympian gears only.
...Final words
We always take in consideration of our players valuable time. We ensure events are not too long and definitely not required to grind/afk/multiple accounts to get something which are trivial.
Our Mission is to get in and play. With minimal time to build your character and provides multiple unseen game-play.
For more details, visit under information on our website or elitepvper link on the right side of our website.

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