Time till toplist reset: 2 weeks, 3 days, 17 hours, 55 minutes from now

Sunrise Conquer New Classic Server 03/29 Private Server

03/29/2024 / Low Rates / High FPS / DX8-DX9 / High Resolution / 4 Class / 130 - 2 RB - +9 -5 / Red / Black Name Drop Gears / DUEL BOT / QualifierArena / POKER / FLAG / TQ QUESTS

Sunrise Conquer New Classic Server 03/29 Info:
SERVER FEATURES Sunrise Conquer Custom Private Server. Low Rates, High FPS, High Resolution. Trojan / Warrior / Archer / Water / Fire Old Jump / Max level 130 / Plus +9 / Bless -5 / 2 Reborn Red / Black Name Drop Gears. Lose gears with low durability. VotePoints, OnlinePoints, EventPoints, DonatePoints, Garments, Cosmetics. No Tower-Fan / No Ninjaor other classes. Daily / Weekly / Monthly Quests / PK Events. Automatically changing hunting quests every week. Hourly PK Events -TOTAL 20 Events DarkPK, DestroyTheTrap, DragonWar, Football Event, ForbiddenSanctum, FreeForAll, FreezeWar Guild Deathmatch, Infection, Infection Halloween, DeeathSquare, LastmanStanding, MeteorShower, PassTheBomb,PentaWar, PimpOutSanta, Reverse Team War, FivenOut, SquidGame, VampireWar Daily PK Events -TOTAL 15 Events BestDuelers, CaptureTheBag, ClassHunting, ClassPK, ConquerStone, GuildContest, SkillLadder LunaWar, WeeklyPK, MonthlyPK, Skill PK, SpousePK, Steed Race, TeamDeathmatch, ArenaJail PK GuildWars -TOTAL 10 Events CaptureTheFlag, City Guildwar,CapricornWar, MiniGW, Round Guildwar, Survival GuildWar, CounterClock, ScoreWar, PoleDomination, SunriseWar Some Others FlameLit Event TreasureInTheBlue, TreasureHunt, KingOfHunters, Rift, Wave, Find The Keys, Wally, Weekly KoBoard Winner, DailySignReward System. ALT + Click, DuelBOT, Challange War, Gamble, Activity Points, Qualifier / TeamQualifier / Skill PK / Skill TeamPK / Elite PK Arena. POKER, Roulette, SlotMachine, Title System, Guild / Revenge PK Mode, Stack system for items. Unique Dance Skills, Exchange Garments and Cosmetics, Exchange Shop, Wardrobe, PK Explore, Country Flag, Flower System, Secondary Password, Guild Recruitment, Inventory Sash New Interface for allEvents, Craft / DeCraft Item System, Praying Stone No ReviveHere House 5 Level, New House Items. In Game Ranking System. Quests Alchemist, Mining, Deliver The Drug, Deliver The Letters, CoachLi House Quest, Meteor Tear, Kylin Squama, Catch The Thief, UnknownMan Stone Spirit, ArmyToken, RatFang, BlueMouse, WindBell, Joys Mission Heresy Snakeman,Peace Jade, Save The Villagers, RefinedGem, Sky Pass Treasure Labyrinth, Water Ring, Moon Spring, Snake King, MoonBox DisCity, Bomb Quest, First Reborn, Second Reborn, MonsterHunter, DemonExterminators, CloudSaint, Guild Beast, House Boss, Cathy, Hops, Elemental Symbols, Kill Creatures, Holy Water, Find Seeds, 50,000 Kills. EGG, FRUIT, LETTERS,HUNTING Quest. Sell Event.

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