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AWAKENING - Star Wars Galaxies [Pre-CU] Private Server

Highest rated Jedi enabled SWG Pre-CU Server Developed by experienced Pre-CU Players [with over 50 years of IT experience], who loved the game Awakening runs on a very high end Dedicated Server [The fastest EMU]. Jedi unlock is once again mysterious. Come join us and see for yourself

AWAKENING - Star Wars Galaxies [Pre-CU] Info:
SWG Awakening where your Stars Wars Galaxies experience will be awakened...We know its a pretty bold statement, however, we also know that Awakening is a cut above, in many ways. From the passion and experience of our developers, to the knowledge of Pre-CU Star Wars Galaxies, Awakening aims to provide the best SWG experience possible. Some server operators have never played Pre-CU back in the day and it shows in their content and the way in which they introduce things into the world. Awakening is much different in this regard. Awakening doesnt give things away. Awakening doesnt overcrowd areas with items just because THEY think its cool or to show off their knowledge of scripts. Awakening doesnt allow player housing INSIDE NPC cities not because its difficult, but because its unfair to all the crafters that do not get that prime real-estate. Awakening doesnt insert code on a whim, without vetting it and Awakening keeps detailed backups just in case. SWG Awakening where your Stars Wars Galaxies experience will be awakened...We know its a pretty bold statement, however, we also know that Awakening is a cut above, in many ways. From the passion and experience of our developers, to the knowledge of Pre-CU Star Wars Galaxies, Awakening aims to provide the best SWG experience possible. Some server operators have never played Pre-CU back in the day and it shows in their content and the way in which they introduce things into the world. Awakening is much different in this regard. Awakening doesnt give things away. Awakening doesnt overcrowd areas with items just because THEY think its cool or to show off their knowledge of scripts. Awakening doesnt allow player housing INSIDE NPC cities, not because its difficult, but because its unfair to all the crafters that do not get that prime real-estate. Awakening doesnt insert code on a whim, without vetting it and Awakening keeps detailed backups just in case.What does Awakening do... differentFor starters...1 A very solid environment, conducive of a healthy economy that can be sustained for many years. Nothing is given away Too often EMU servers start up and want to immediately give new players all kinds of bonuses to entice them to play on their server. Lets face it, that does nothing but ruin a long term economy. It does not and will not occur on Awakening. Our motto is Pre-CU Pain2 A unique Jedi system. One that is mysterious and earned. Not given away or given to select individuals by CSR blessings. It isnt easy, and who said Jedi should be given away or made easy NGE Sorry, this isnt NGE. Its Pre-CU+ The + stands for true and difficult3 Bounty Hunter: A little twist on BH. Very similar to Pre-CU, but improved. A little stronger vs Jedi due to some LS defense enhancements and improved tracking capability.4 CH is working and fully implemented. LS bug is resolved.5 All professions are enabled, not including JTL, which is in development. Experience is very similar to original SWG. Dont mess with a good thing All professions are important and NONE are given away.COMBATOur combat system is very similar to the original SWG, except Bounty Hunters have a slightly better chance vs Jedi. Bounty Hunters have slight inherent lightsaber defenses, and with the right mix can stand toe to toe with average Jedi. We are confident that players will be thrilled with this minor adjustment.Otherwise PvE and PvP combat should be very similar.BUFFSPre-CU doctors and buffs were an important part of the game and made the game much more exciting. Those who never played Pre-CU wouldnt understand the balance of great doctor buffs and Pre-CU strategy. Buffs are dependent on resources and can really help in a battle. Doctors will remain just as important, as will their buffs. We look forward to the day when Doctors setup shop in Star Ports around the GalaxyAwakening has added Enhancement Terminals Droids that SELL very low level buffs in starter areas. This helps new players and helps player progression even when other players doctors arent around.CRAFTINGNo change needed in general. The original SWG Pre-CU had this 100 right and we feel any server that messes with this by giving away professions does not grasp the impact.With that said, we have added and will continue to add items for crafters to craft, such as NGE Houses and NGE speeders. Again, these items are primarily ascetic, but add to the story.PLAYER HOUSINGAwakening has kept this relatively the same, except weve added additional housing that came from the NGE. We felt the added housing was a good addition and would have happened whether the NGE occurred or not. Easy addition and we were happy to add this.PLAYER CITIESPlayer cities are close to the same, but adjusted for server population. As the server grows city requirements may adjust. Any adjustments would of course be announced in advance.THE FORCEWhat would Star Wars, let alone Star Wars Galaxies be without Jedi Lets face it, Jedi are central to the Star Wars story and a very important feature of ANY Star Wars game. Yes, other professions are fun and other professions are extremely important, but we felt Jedi needed to be in the game and ready when we launched.Our Jedi system is like no other. It is extremely random and each player has an inherent force sensitivity that is determined upon creation. In time each character will discover their path and force sensitivity. The path to Jedi will consist of 3 important elements, genetics luck, hard work no clues will be given here, and knowledge of the galaxy.Bottomline...Awakening is not an easy-mode server that hands everything to players that join. We have no need for players that want everything for free. We want a strong, knowledgeable player-base, that appreciate things when earned. We truly believe in an economy based on Risk vs Work vs Reward system.That being said, we are always open to player suggestions and welcome input from our player-base.To join SWG Awakening visit Make a forum account, download our installer and login. Yes its that simple.SWG Awakening is a Pre-CU Star Wars Galaxy server that believes in traditional Pre-CU atmosphere. With a unique Jedi system that is unknown and mysterious and a standard SWG degree of difficulty. Run by older responsible staff that actually played Pre-CU SWG and appreciate the game for what it was.To help players there is a low-end buff system, but there is a cost. Nothing is free after all...Join us and see

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