Devils Priston Tale
80XP,110 115 skins ,No lags,no dc , Christmas Events, Clan System Working 100 and Bless Castle And Survive Or Die,And good Rates Endless Tower , Dmix , Need Register In Forum And then go account Manag ..Details
PristonTale Private Server
70x-100x Custom EXP Custom DROP amp GOLD +16 Age New Mixing Clan amp BC 100 Working Premium Shops Custom Sheltoms, Rings, Amulets amp Items up to 110 120 Maxed Level Awesome Website Layout ..Details
Best PristonTale private server
70x-100x Custom EXP Custom DROP amp GOLD +16 Age New Mixing Clan amp BC 100 Working Premium Shops Custom Sheltoms, Rings, Amulets amp Items up to 110 120 Maxed Level Awesome Website Layout ..Details
Asia Pristontale
Rates : 60100100Clan, BC, SoD, Skill Delay is fixed Everything how it should be New ITEMS NEW LAYOUTJOIN US NOW ..Details
LegacyPT Explore Your Limits
Growing Community Unique game features BC / SoD / Clans working Custom Shops And Much more Server specs: Intel Core2Duo26GHz 4Gb RAM 1,25TB Harddrive ..Details
War zone PT
WarZone PT Serdidor Dedicado 24 horas XP 80x Drop 50x Gold 20x Todos os mapas liberados Eventos exclusivos Itens Novos Venha nos conhecer ..Details
Excellence Priston Tale
Exp - 150xDrop - PersonalizadoGold - PersonalizadoFree 2 Play ..Details
Excellence Priston Tale
ExcellencePTExP: 150xGold: PersonalizadoDrop: PersonalizadosFree 2 PlayEventos Di ..Details
Survivor Priston Tale - SPT
Um dos maiores e melhores servidores de Priton privado do Brasil COnfigura ..Details
Optimum PristonTale
Come experience one of the only private servers with low rates, starting level 1, challenging monsters, original weapons, and much morePT Veterans will be happy to see weapons such as Slayers, Claymor ..Details
Zion Priston Tale
ZionPT Disponibiliza a voc ..Details
Excellence Priston Tale
Priston Tale Server, free 2 play, new system game, ExP 150x, no Dc for ExPUP , new itens and monster, dedicated server 24/7 onLevel Start 85, with 5kk, you can create and manage your account in especi ..Details
Private Server
100x Server ..Details
Moon Priston Tale
Xp:100xGold: 30xItens premium Clan: OnSod: OnlineBless Castle: Online2 Years OnlineGms Online every dayEvents every dayCome to Moon-PT ..Details
Enigma Priston Tale
Seja bem vindo Indiscut ..Details
ReacTion Priston Tale
ReacTionPk Server full PVP Drop039s item039s 125, 130, Onix Venda De item039s 120 no ferreiro Ricartem venda de Shelton Onix Em Ricartem Server novo Fa ..Details
Rogue Priston Tale
Server com Phoenix Pet, 8 Novos mapas, todos os item premium do KPT, Mapas incluindo quotBatle arena, Atlantisquot ..Details
Chronos Priston Tale
New Server From priston Taleexperience 250x, server on 24/7,no lag,no Bug 120+, Start level 80 With Quest ready, server up+PvPAll this and much more come check ) ..Details
LivePT - Live The Life
Servidor 100 DedicadoXP 190x Sem DC4 (Sem erro 2bi)Gold 60xDrops 50xNovos Itens 145Boss MAP Navisko Anoite ..Details
Rox PristonTale
Servidor Brasileiro Traduzido 150x Exp / 50x Drop / 80x Gold Mature de Itens com a Letra I - Save e Autosave Para Players Sem Erro de up LvL 120 + Equipe Dedicada e Amig ..Details
US Priston Tale
US Priston Tale Back to basics Remember what you loved about the game, starting from a low level and working your way up Many XP events and other special drop events ..Details
Dark Priston Tale
XP 200x (Sem Dc) Drops 80x Gold 60x come ..Details
Lunar Priston-Tale
2 servers (Igolanos amp Valento), XP x70, Gold x20, Phoenix Pet, Cursed Temple 3, Old ric + 3 old Forests + old Navisko + 2 old Sanctuary Customs items including armors Awesome account manager Auto- ..Details
Asgard Priston Tale
80x XPItens at ..Details
Stylus Priston Tale
Rates do ServidorEXP Rate: 100xDROP Rate: 60xGOLD Rate: 50xItens at ..Details
Alliance Pristontale
Join Alliance Pristontale NowIts a Global Server,With New Items And More XP 65X DROPS 70X GOLD 70XJOIN NOWhttp://allianceptforumotion/indexhtmNo Website now ..Details
Tiger Priston Tale
Servidor UP, Drops 105 em Ricartem, Custom itens, e muito mais Confira em nosso site ..Details
Destroyer Priston Tale PK - O Melhor
DestroyerPK - O Melhor Servidor Full PVP - Iniciando n ..Details
eXtreme Priston Tale (E-XPT)
Server cua Viet NamFix No DC(4) With Add New Item, No delay skill for Character Level limit 150, Clan Working 100,Sod working 100 Bless Castle is 14h(GMT+7), exp rate x70 With armlets can a ..Details
Join Alliance Pristontale Now Its a Global Server And hosted in new york and 24/7 Online,With Brand New Items And More XP 70X DROPS 70X GOLD 70X JOIN NOW Start Level 60 With Rankup allianceptforumo ..Details
Legend PristonTale
Stable Server / Bless Castle 100 Working / SoD System 100 Working / Added New Awesome Items / Awesome Account Manager / Clan Manager 100 Working / Friendly GM039s / Weekly Events / Join LegendPT Now ..Details
Radix Priston Tale
- Free to Play (F2P)- 100x EXP Rate- 50x GOLD Rate- 50x DROP Rate- Level Cap: 150 - Server sem crash no up de 120+- Server que n ..Details