Kwan Priston Tale
We039re just the best one Priston Server BR We039ve many custom items and services like : VIP Panel , Itens 105, 110b, 115a, 115b and the AMAZING quotLegendary Itemsquot dedicated just to best player ..Details
realmpt best server with t5 coming, click to read more bish ..Details
Dark Priston Tale
Dark Priston Tale - Free to Play (F2P) - 200x EXP Rate - 50x GOLD Rate - 80x DROP Rate - Level Cap: 150 - Clan System 100 - SOD 100 - Bless Castle 100 - Server sem crash no up de 120+ - Server que n ..Details
Legacy PristonTale
If you are getting tired of all the fast servers skiping all the maps,items and too lazy for the globalThen this is your server, we are taking you back to the old places where you liked to hunt,train ..Details
Story Priston Tale
Story priston Tale Traz Pra voce um Diversao infinita Novos Aging +20 novos mapas Aging De gra ..Details
Priston Tale 1
Priston Tale is a free, full 3D MMORPG based on the adventures in the continent of Priston The world of Priston is composed of the subtle relations between two tribes: the ..Details
Reborn PristonTale
New English ServerXP 100x / drop 50 / gold 50 / new maps , new town / new items up to 150 / Friendly Admin039s and GM039s ..Details
MilleniumPK 100 PVP
Divers ..Details
True Priston Tale
100x/Drop:60x /Gold:50x Itens Premium Funcionando F ..Details
Server Full PVP ..Details
Snow Priston Tale
Acesse nosso site e confira ..Details
XP: 130x / DROP: 120x / GOLD: 70x - Clan amp BC 100 Working - Premium Shops - Improved +20 Age - New Mixing - 120 Maxed Level ..Details
Nitrox Priston Tale
Otimo Servidor De PristonXP: 120x Drops: 60x Gold 60xcom muitas novidadesConfira ..Details
Fallen City
What once used to be large lands of fresh greenery and beautiful environment is now turned into a small broken down city called the Fallen-City Now its up to you do you want to be a strong member and ..Details
Revolution Priston Tale
RevolutionPT Online ..Details
Slide Priston Tale UP BR
- Servidor 24 Hrs Dedicado- XP 100x Gold e Drop Custom- Drop de Gold dif ..Details
Mardanos Priston Tale
Site oficial: ..Details
Twister Priston Tale
TwisterPT ONLINEBC todos os sabados as 16HorasInforma ..Details
Veterans Priston Tale Brasil
Server Brasileiro novo gms e adms on com suporte MSN e Skype venha vc mesmo conferir e ver a diferenca ..Details
SynglePT - Unico e Perfeito
Procura um servidor que se possui um pvp muito equilibrado E com HARD upIntao esta no lugar certoProcura um servidor sem lagO SynglePT oferece isso a voc ..Details
PlayGamePK - The server PK fullest
SERVER PK - lvl beginning 120 - lvl CAP 160 - Phoenix PET - Great variety of items - New Maps - many innovations in game - To learn more visit our website ..Details
Shadow Priston Tale
Exp - 100xGold ..Details
Pristontale Extreme
XP Rate: 100xDrop Rate: 100xGold: 100xCustom XP TablePvP ServerNew PetsCustom Items ..Details
Stylus Priston Tale - Nova Era
Stylus Priston is Custom New Server, experience rate is 150x, new monster, all maps and more 9 new custom maps, level capacity 150Come to a new adventure ..Details
Silver Priston Tale
Silver Priston Tale O servidor do Brasil ..Details
Sky Priston Tale
New KPT items (Premiums and Weapons) - New System Honor - XTrap 100 - Start Level 1 - Top Level 120 - And much more, come play (Brazilian Server) ..Details
Royal Priston Tale
Royal Priston Tale Oficial Maps whit ET3 Oficial Itens whit 105 Oficial Damages 125 exp 50x Drops 50x GoldSoD System 100 Bless System 100 Cap 120-130-140-149PVP Balanced In Joy RoyalPT ..Details
Future Priston Tale
Rates:- 150x EXP Rate - 60x DROP Rate - 50x GOLD Rate - Level Cap: 150 - Aging Cap: +18 - Phoenix Pet, e pedra de skill - Bless Castle 100 - Level Inicial 80 ..Details
RebornPT New Story
Tier 5 , 2 new class - New Quests - New Maps - New NPCS - PvP system - New Monsters - New Mixes - Aging +20 - Max Level 150 - New BC System - Cleaning Item System - New Bless castle system - Events e ..Details
Jogos Orkut
Melhor Site de Compra de Cr ..Details
FuriousPK Priston Tale Full PVP
New Server Full PVP Drops: Aleatorios Eventos Diarios Varias novidades venha voce tambem conferir ..Details
Sigma Priston Tale
Lvl cap : 249 - Exp : 300x - Gold 25x - Drops 45x - Age +20 - Level Start : 100Server Brasileiro De Priston Tale Venha vc tbm Para O Grande Sigma Priston Tale ..Details
Blaze Games
Blaze PK - Server Full PVP - Entry Level 185 Reaching 230 - First Server to have new effects Skill modified - 1st server to have new maps - 1st server full pvp to have drops Donato - server very balan ..Details
PristonTale :: Server Up
Exp: 150x Drops: 80x Gold: 70x Servidor Est ..Details
Stronder Priston Tale
Stronder Priston Tale - O melhor servidor e mais completo Full PVP ..Details
Sky Line Priston Tales
Novo serve totalmente Nacional Com Xp 120x, e Gold e Drops totalmente personalizados para a sua melhor jogabilidadeVenha e comproveSeu melhor PT ..Details
Fast ServerFast Goldmore information enter to the site ..Details
Vista Priston tale
Rate de experi ..Details