PlayGamePT Revolution
Exp 280x - New maps - New mobs - Age +30 - variety of items - fully balanced classes - all day events - tournaments pvp - pvp ranking master A full server you play it deserves ..Details
Dragon Priston Tale
Skrap Priston Tale
Skrap Priston Tale Rates:XP, Gold, Drops 100x, Navisko PVP e de noite Mapa Evento XP, Bless Castle Aos Domingos as 16:00 Hotas, nivel inicial 80 com todas as Quests Feitas ..Details
Linux Priston Tale
Estamos convidando vo ..Details
IGames Priston Tale
New Server Exp 800x, Custom Maps, Items, Armors, Monsters, Bosses, Quests, Skills, Effects, Sounds Daily Unique Events +20 Aging, Sheltom Mixing, special: Age for Boots, Bracelets, GauntletsServer Dat ..Details
Exp: 100 - 110 350x Exp: 110 - 120 300x Exp: 120 + 280xDrop: PersonalizadoSod 24/7Lvl cap :248Age at ..Details
Retrieval Priston Tale
Retrieval Priston Tale - New Server - 65x Exp - 100x Drop - 70x Gold - Custom Quest039s - Balanced PvP - Stable Server ..Details
Infernus Priston TalePrimer servidor en espa ..Details
Unity Priston Tale
EXP - CustomDrop - CustomServidor FULL DROPItem Premium DesbugClan system 100Survive or die 100Novos mapas, e itens padr ..Details
SunPk Priston Tale
- Level inicial: 2OO- Level m ..Details
Born Priston Tale
Exp 30xDrops 10xGold 40xLevel inicial 01 (max 115)Ba ..Details
Illusion Priston Tale
Start LVL 80 - Level cap 140 - Exp 80x - 30x Drop - 20x Gold - Age +20 - 4 tipos de Phoenix Pets ..Details
Holy Priston Tale
Holy Priston Tale Visita aee Dedo Num vai cair Semi - Dedicado X Trap 100 Eventos Diarios/ GM039s Sempre Online/Suporte 24h ..Details
Ancient PristonTale
Taxa de Experiencia : 80xTaxa de Drop : 50x Taxa de Ouro : 50x Servidor 24h ON Anti Hacker: LP Protector Nivel inicial: 1 Nivel maximo: 140 Itens maximo: 116 Total de mapas: 62 ..Details
InfernusPT El Mejor Server En Castellano
Inicia lvl 1, Nivel Maximo 140, Exp Personalizada, Servidor Castellano,Castle Bless todos los sabado alas 5pm Nuevos Itens,Itens Premium DesbugadoSod 100 y con 1 de speed al quien tenga la corona de S ..Details
Uha Priston Tale
SERVIDOR 100 BR, HOST DEDICADO 24/7 Free 100x EXP, 40x GOLD, 40x DROP, Level Cap: 175Clan 100, BC 100, SOD, Aging +30, sem quebra ..Details
The only server has no donation We bring back the fun and the memory that you have lost ..Details
A nova historia de um mundo perfeito come ..Details
Living Priston Tale
Level Inicial: 1Do Level 1 at ..Details
Reaver PT - The Rise of the Underworld
Exp - 60x Gold + Drops 100x Aging +20 Ice Mine CT3 ET3 Saints Refuge Dragons Keep Custom Quest ..Details
Arcade Priston Tale
ImperialPT now is ArcadePT FULL POWER come on and ENJOY 4 Years Online - Gold/Drops Custom - News Quests Ingame: Eragon/Babel - Clean Item - New Maps - Events Every Day - 3 SoD Crowns - Item Premium ..Details
Reloaded Priston Tale
Reloaded Priston Tale , check our website: for more infos ..Details
Kamikaze pT
-Level Inicio 90 (20kk e todas quests prontas)-Itens NPC 90-Itens drops 120 150 160 175-Itens Donate 185 200-Itens N ..Details
FreedomPK Online MMORPG
Online MMORPGO melhor priston tale full pvp ..Details
The Sacred World Priston Tale
Level Inicial 1 - Exp 125x/100x/80x - Itens Originais (Todos Drop ..Details
Earth Priston Tale
Earth Priston Tale - EGxExp 200xGold e Drops PersonalizadosEventos de 3 em 3 horasNovos Itens e MapasLv max 250Inicie lv 180 c/ quests/tier - Novos Generos de ClassesAbertura Oficial 27/06Em brever se ..Details
Zero Priston Tale
New Priston server with custom features, XP 80, age +30, NEW EXCLUSIVE QUESTS Custom account manager, cheap donate system, Vote reward, Bless Castle tax fully working New balance chars Get top right ..Details
legend pristontale
New Server quotUnder Constructionquot ..Details
UniquePT - Keep Join
50X EXP/100 GP/100X DROP, Account Manager, Level Cap 140, Clans, 24/7 Bellatra and BlessCastle New Custom Maps, New Items Come Join Us ..Details
Legend Pristontale - Join Now
Start Level 130 Very Friendly Community Drop Rates are good Exp very fast Costum Monster for more info please visit ..Details
Sky Priston Tale
Dedicated Server 1Gbit 24/7 Start Level 100,Fast Leveling,Many Bosses,Many New Maps,Skills Balanced,Active Staff,Friendly Community, Aging +20,Many New Mixes, Balanced BC, 3 SoD Crowns, Global Chat, M ..Details
Classic Priston Tale
exp 120x - drops 10x - gold 50x - Customize Look - Battle point Saving - New Quest039s - Top lvl 120 - Aging +18 - Go Playing ..Details
Island Priston Tale
Island Priston Tale esta no ramo de Priston a 3 anos e agora ele volta com for ..Details
Island Priston Tale
Servidor UP - A Mais de 4 Anos - LvL Start 100 - LvL Cap 149 - BossTime - 3 Coroa SoD - Salva BP 100 - Amado pelos Clientes Invejado pelos Concorrentes ..Details
Reloaded Priston Tale - Enjoy our World
Enjoy the best Priston Tale private server of the world ..Details
Antigo Priston
Antigo priston, rates: 1exp, 2x drops, 2x gold ..Details
Ultra fast 100000x Priston Tale
We have got the super fast 10000x Priston Tale server with no down High Speed Rate come enjoy now ..Details
Project Priston Tale
Launch: 22/02/2013 Rates:Experience: 60x/Drops: Customized/Gold: Custom/Server Settings:Initial Level 1/Items released yet the level 80D/ more information in site ..Details