Amaranthine Ascendancy
A WoW Alliance PvP Guild ..Details
Minions of Mithril [MoM]
International Alliance guild We have experience We are build to teach and learn ..Details
Clan of the Dragon
We are a roleplaying alliance guild Come check us out ..Details
100x XP Rates, Custom Shops, Thousands of Custom Weapons Items, and Armor, Huge Friendly Player Base ..Details
Silent Storm - Dark Storm
A WoW family style guild Our aim is to have fun and not obsess about loot, mobs, levels, etc Silent Storm is Alliance, Dark Storm is Horde ..Details
World of Warcraft Guild and Fan site , Looking for Fun and Quality members, Apply at our forumsEuropean Guild -A guild With Vengeance- ..Details
10000G Internet Gaming Services
We are so glad that we can provide the Gold of WOW for our customers with the success of Lineage2The same as Lineage2 u will experience the enjoyable service of WOW on 10000G ..Details
Allegiance of Azeroth
Allegiance of Azeroth is a Guild targeted at all players We have a great Alliance group on Blackhand (PvE Server) ..Details
Chocobo Online (Home of Chocobo Knights)
Chocobo Online - Home of the Chocobo Knights - An MMORPG Player VS Player Guild based out of many MMORPGs ..Details
Order of The Golden Dragons
This is the home of theOrder of the Golden Dragons we are currently recruiting mature players ..Details
The Twilight Order
The Twilight Order is a World of Warcraft Undead only Guild pledged to the Dark Lardy we do her bidding in the name of the Forsaken ..Details
Clan Carnage
A WOW Alliance Guild Founded During The Open Beta ..Details
Minions of Chaos WoW Guild
Minions of Chaos / Bleeding Hollow / Alliance / Ontario Based Guild ..Details
La guild de WoW 1 au Qubec ALLIANCE----ON RECRUTE ..Details
Your one source for all your WoW needs
The only World of Warcraft (WoW) site that rewards players for their contributions We have the option for guilds/clans to open up their own forums on our site Also, our forums are supported by elite p ..Details
Exiles Guild
Exiles is a Horde Guild on Skullcrusher server (Subject to Change) We accept hardcore and softcore gamers alike Join us in the fight against the alliance NOW We are recruiting ..Details
MMOPlayer - the Source for MMO Cheats
Get the edge like the powergamers Cheats for all your favourite MMOs ..Details
German Slayers
The German-Slayers are a german WoW guild We will play the alliance side and want to have fun :) Have a look, we hope to see you ..Details
Red Ribbon
Red Ribbon Horde clan ..Details
][][ortheren ][v][en of ][-][onor
Alliance Guild for Norway,Sweden and Danmark ..Details
Legendary Ironforge Technical Legion
World of Warcraft Alliance guild dedicated to Dwarves and Gnomes We are located on the Central server Hellscream Come visit the guild where the LITL people become legends ..Details
World of Warcraft Orphus
World of Warcraft Orphus is an open discussion forum ..Details
Night Walkers
Night Walkers, a guild on an Europe Realm Alliance only Were currently recruiting ..Details
Foxhound Guild
Foxhound is a guild based on friendship and competition Were a great all-rounder guild with good hearted people ..Details
Trident Of War
Peace is for ..Details
Fate of Deception - An Alleria WoW Guild
A WoW Alliance Guild On Alleria Sever Always Recruiting New People To Help On Our Conquest We Are Friendly Guild No Joining Restrictions ..Details
Northern Men of Honor
Norwegian WoW guild, PvP ..Details
Rpg-SalesCom is an up and coming web site that sells in-game currency, items and accounts We try our best to deliver great service and keep our website updated and priced low compared to the current p ..Details
Spitts WoW Resources
Resource Guide for WoW, includes links, guides, and more ..Details
Rebel Soldiers
Rock Solid- DarkSpear Alliance Guild ..Details
Knights of Zeal
Alliance guild for the Pacific PvP server: Frostwolf Accepting all alliance and classes ..Details
-ScHiZoPhReNiC KiLlErS-
CSS-Postal2-CoD Check Us Out ..Details
MMOTricks WoW Macros Bots Exploits
WoW Secrets, Tricks, Cheats, Strategies, Exploits, and Guides for the latest in massive multiplayer online games such as World of Warcraft, Everquest 2, Matrix Online, and Guild Wars ..Details
Dark Light
Welcome to Dark Light Guild Web Site for World of Warcraft ..Details
Deaths Advisors Guild
Multi-gaming guild surrounding World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Diablo II and more ..Details
Vulgar Display Of Power
An Alliance Horde w0w Guild ..Details
Azeroth Vanguard
An Allliance Guild in the Sargeras Realm ..Details
Deadly Alliance
a Warsong Guild site, along with quests, guides, and links We might not be the biggest, but we ARE the friendliest ..Details
Honestus Germanitas
World of WarCraft German Allianz Gilde Server: Kargath Mindestaufnahmealter: 18 Jahre, nhere Infos auf unserer Page ..Details
Guild Dachaos
Guild Dachaos - Raiding High End Instances Now on Eonar - Alliance ..Details
Vox Draconis
Hyjal/Horde Guild ..Details
World of Warcraft Free Server
Hallo an alle da draussen wir sind eine neue WoW comunity wir bieten einen kostenlosen wow server zum spielen an taucht in neue welten ab (kostenlos) ..Details
BOHICA- Put It Where It Counts
BOHICA- Put It Where It Counts, Join our Guild We got good members, Great leaders Also we have Screenshots, Messageboards ..Details