Descendants of Elmore Homepage
Descendants of Elmore is a Horde guild residing on the PvP Realm of Nerzhul ..Details
FrostNet WoW
High Exp rate, constant bug fixes, 99 uptime, custom quest lines, events, competent GMs, custom encounters and much more ..Details
Force of One Guild Hall
Force of One Guild Hall A Bleeding Hollow Guild All Visitors and potential Guild members welcome ..Details
WoW Norway 10MB
Running on latest databases available, Friendly and Active staff Blizz like server Cheating Death Required Fast Connection and great BOX, Sign up now at: ..Details
Ex Inferis - UK Horde Guild
British Horde guild on the Thunderhorn server Responsible for hate crimes against Night Elves and questing under the influence ..Details
Nightmares Gold and Power Level
Website dedicated to serving clients the most best World of Warcraft REAL gold and power level guides that work Cheapest on the net too Amazing Come check us out ..Details
The biggest World of Warcraft Filebase and Guild-Hosting ..Details
Kings of Kalimdor
World of Warcrafts no 1 fans An Europen guild with skills ..Details
Naughty Nerdz
WoW beer perfect together Were a group of guys who love to play the game, drink, and just have fun Come and check us out [PvE/Bloodhoof] ..Details
Buy WoW Gold from Ultimate Gaming Online
Buy WoW gold for any US Server 100 Gold for 1599 Your Ultimate Gaming Source Our staff is ready 24/7 for your deliveries Thanks for visiting ..Details
Black Templars
Alliance guild on Bloodhoof realm ..Details
FoE Wow Gilde
Do you want a gilde with style Super+nice Membern And a Top support Then come to us ..Details
Dark Side of Qubec
Classement de Site sur les jeux :: Counter-Strike :: World of Warcraft :: Diablo 2 Lord :: Warcraft 3 Ft :: et autres a venir :: Venez vous inscrire ..Details
Interaktiv WoW
A new and perspective WoW server Good connection speed, no lag, nearly cleared out of bugsWoW Version - 142Server location is - Bulgaria I wont tell you things like - the greatest server, just come an ..Details
GWP : Gahia World Project
WOW Free Private RP Server -For a new WoW Rper community- ..Details
Death and Decay Warlock Resource
Warlock Resource ..Details
Bonzire WoW
Currently down until the new server comes out The current one is extremely laggy and buggy Please be patient Active/helpful GMs, XP rate 10x, Quests work, VERSION 150 is HERE, Very active forums (foru ..Details
MMOBids - A MMORPG Auction Site
Buy, Sell, and Trade MMORPG currency, accounts, items, and more This is the place to go for your MMORPG needs Sell and buy what you want ..Details
Assassins of
World of Warcraft gaming guild ..Details
Buy WoW Gold at Virtual World Sales
Large online game service provider with low prices Come find out why we are a favorite of many gamers and get your online game currency at lowest prices around ..Details
Dioblik World Of Warcraft Guild
This is a new guild and we want members :D ..Details
WoW Gold Sale
We offer World Of Warcraft Gold at unbeatable prices on all US European Servers 24/7 Delivery ..Details
Eliminated WoW
World of Warcraft private server ..Details
Darkmans German WoW Server (140)
Deutscher Server, wenig bugs, viele skills funzen, Quests werden auf Deutsch bersetzt Bester deutscher WoW Server ..Details
World of Armageddon
WoW Private Server ..Details
A Normal fansite about WoW ..Details
MyWorldofWarcraft is a community site featuring guides, dungeon maps, forums and more Home to Council of Kulminra and Disciples of Kulminra guilds ..Details
FavGames How the best become the best
We put the fun back in your game With the cheapest gold, the fastest delivery and the best customer service ..Details
Rivera World Of Warcraft Server
One of the best World Of Warcraft Private Server Version 233 blizz like, no donators at all ..Details
02 Power Leveling
02 power leveling the Cheapest the Best ..Details
Popcorns WoW Server
A Private WoW Server with plenty of people on all the time Come Check It OUT ..Details
Project WoW
A secure, professional, private and well-populated World of Warcraft server ..Details
Project: World of Warcraft
A private, secure, professional and well-populated World of Warcraft server ..Details
World of Mystics Server
World of Mystics WW Server for v 142 ..Details
Sow Clan Homepage
Best Australian Server for WoW free Account Visit Site ..Details
World of Warcraft Gold for sale, all servers Get your gold fast in your mail-game Paypal Accept ..Details
very good ..Details
[RFO Server] - Light Crusaders
Rising Force Online Server Online Dedicated Fast Connection High Drops + Med EXP Rate ..Details
World of Warcraft Server + Community
World of Warcraft Server 16X, + Community ber alle Emulatoren, Datenbnke usw ..Details
Axis Powers
World of Warcraft Horde Guild on Gurubashi - Recruiting ..Details
Code UK - WoW Server
Code UK private World of Warcraft server, low latency 1mbit connection, dedicated server 24/7 approx, 10x XP rate (variable on discussion), server website and forums, gms wanted, gms can export/import ..Details
Ask For More
ice realm-private server
helpful gms, high exp rate 20x, so come join us ..Details