Veritas Gaming-Aequitas
Pantheon Blizzlike Progressive WotLK (335a) Naxx open at launch, 6-week phases 5x XP, 2x Profs, Rep amp Honor Early mounts, alt XP boost No pay-to-win, no custom mechanics Fast progression, true Wrat ..Details
Tanados WOW Alpha
Join Tanados WoW Alpha A 335 WoW server with custom content across Vanilla, TBC, and WotLK Enjoy new races, NPC bots, enhanced classes, and more No pay-to-win, just pure adventure Connect with us on o ..Details
Azure Outback
Azure Outback is an Aussie private WOTLK server and offers 1X to 15X XP Rate We have enabled some modifications like, boosted professions, drops and added a mod for guild house AHbot active as there i ..Details
Thorium WoW 80-85 WOTLK Server
A Unique WOTLK 335a lvl 80-85, Autoloot, Group and Soloable content, unique upgrading system, artifact system with Roles, Extra expansion content, 14 races incl Worgens, Goblins amp Pandarens ..Details
Exodus: The Promised Land
EXODUS PVE-335a - Custom RATES (0x, 1x, up to 3x) - 25 GOLD for each character/36 slot BAG for each character - Speed modifier upgrade, custom quests, zones and more ..Details
FrozenForge EN/CZ 335a
New WoW: WotLK server with 1,000+ advanced bots playing like real players Enjoy nostalgia or top damage meters Join us for an authentic adventure Open to Czech and English players ..Details
Netrox Wow
[Unique server] [Haste Melee/Caster][High Stats] [Custom Zones/Quests][Custom Items/Mobs/Bosses][Solo Pve content] ..Details
SigmaWoW Instant 70 Upgrader
[WOTLK][Transmog][x13][Playerbots][Enchantments][StatBooster][Custom Content][Friendly Community][Solo Friendly][Item Upgrade][DungenRespawner][Instant 15 Level] ..Details
WoWBleez: The War Within
Experience the latest WoW Patch and features with High rates 10x and Cross-faction allowed Active PvP and PvE community with Friendly staff and weekly events ..Details
Freedom WoW UA
TOP Ukrainian SERVER - x5 - Discord - Community - PVE - PVP - Free - Ukrainian/Multilingual - WOTLK NEW ..Details
Andonisus vanilla solo and 2 players raid
Welcome to andonisusjoin our web page for more infoDungeons 1-4 players Raid 2 players ..Details
Top Server Wow LK
Custom Core Stable Server Low LatencyExperience the best World of Warcraft adventure on our custom-built server Enjoy a stable, low-latency environment with a unique core ..Details
IceCold-WoW 434 Funserver
[Instant level 85] [Unique Concept] [Haste Capped Server] [Custom Content] [3000+ Custom Items] [Custom Bosses And Dungeons] [Custom Battlegrounds Rewards] [Custom Mall] [Custom Quests] [Balanced Clas ..Details
MGAWoW 335a
[335] [Fresh WOTLK Server with growing population every day] [Blizzlike with x2 XP, x2 Reputation and Increased Drop Rates] [13 Years of experience and revival of old server] [Realms First up for grab ..Details
Fatality-WoW 335a
Server Instant 80 - S8 e T10 Free - Shopping Orgrimmar e Stormwind - Items Custom - Items Vip - Players command maxskill - Races Cataclysm ..Details
En Wampyserver tenemos todas las clases activas para todas las razas Rates por 6,todos los vuelos descubiertosAdemas un exclusivo Tomo de vuelo, disponible en los vendedores de monturas que os permiti ..Details
Eternal WoW
A WotLK funserver built with a smaller player base in mind Includes SoloLFG, and SoloCraft Its always kept up-to-date with the latest and even some custom fixes Dragonflight downported models, custom ..Details
Best gaming experience two WotLK based realms, WotLK x1 PvE world with NO PAY TO WIN concept, and WotLK x100 world, built for explosive PvP action The custom content is spot on, and it doesnt brake an ..Details
Lucifron - Classic WoW Server
1x Vanilla rates over all ContentHardcore Mode acceptable by Level 1A Handsome CommunityNo Ingame or Website ShopsNo QuesNo Overcrowed Server Capacity ..Details
Warsong ultra fun 335
Custom 335 WoW server with unique features: modified encounters, custom sets, world bosses, personal building, transmog Enjoy cross-faction gameplay, anticheat, daily events in English/French Perfect ..Details
WoW Epic Private Server
Join the WoWEpic Private serverwe have: Nice GMs, Malls, custom events, instant lvl 70, and a lot more ..Details
Last WoW - 243 TBC
[243 version][Arena Season Rankings] [ALL Battlegrounds work] [Lag-free][Great Uptime] [PvP and Arena Titles] [Scripted Instances] [Balanced PvP] [Vote and be Rewarded] [Rates:15x Xp 20x Quest 18x Dro ..Details
Rising Flame
Wow 335a WotLK, 2x Blizz rates Friendly GMs No Lag 36 slot bag and Gold Bonus for Joining Primarily PVE server Custom quests for fun Family Atmosphere Want a place to call home this is it ..Details
Uber-WoW 548
Welcome to all new Uber-WoW We are using Mists of Pandaria Patch 548 Build 18414 This is a truly free to play system However if you wish to donate anything we may do so at a later time Go kick some bu ..Details
ZhyperWoW :: 335a Instant 80 PvP
:: WotLK 335a :: Instant 80 PvP Realm :: Free Tier 10 and Season 8 :: Balanced and Custom Season 9 :: Balanced PvP with working Spells and Talents :: Active Battlegrounds and Arenas with lots of PvP : ..Details
WoWMortal - Instant 85 434 WoW Server
434 Instant 85 Realm, Working PvE and PvP Contents , Daily updates, Active Battlegrounds, Active Arenas, Stable Server, Good Population, Working Cataclysm Contents, Lag Free Gameplay ..Details
Spidernet Romania WoW 335a
[World of Warcraft 335a][Icecrown citadel scripts all the way to LK] [RDF 100 working][RBG Working][1x Blizzlike Server][Friendly Staff and GMs] ..Details
Frostborn - Free WOTLK Fun Server
Best WoW Server with Event Islands ..Details
WoW Pandaria 505 Instant 90 PvP-PvE
[Pandaria 505][International][+10k players][Instant 90 PvP PvE][Professional Game][The best server MOP][All spells are working 100][15 Developers professional][No Lag][Server 8cores i7, 1GB internet, ..Details
Server based on patch 243, set as following: experience x10CMangos compiled UNIX core 100 working as blizzlike Dedicated VmWare 65 Server, 75mbps fiber optic line Scriptdev2 artificial intelligence sy ..Details
Undamed-WoW Reborn
Undamed-WoW reborn Still working on it come check it out all old items exist Get your old custom back25000 + custom itemsAlot of quests12000 haste 000 ..Details
TBC5MAN-5 Man Raids-No1 TBC Instant 70
[INSTANT 70][FRESH][Completely Scripted][Crossfaction PVE/PVP/AH][AH Bot][NoLag/No Crashes][Blizz-like X1 Aside from 10x Professions instant 300 skill, 3x Rep, Instant Weapon Skill, Alt-Friendly-4 Rar ..Details
Moon of Dragon - World of Warcraft
INTERNATIONAL][24/7][World of Warcraft][Since 2021][TrinityCore][Blizzlike][Always up-to-date][Please Read FAQ][We suggest you doing game updates manually and not automatic through Battle] ..Details
Zuldazar WoW 335a
We are a private server of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the lich king We have: 1vs1 Arenas Battleground CrossFaction AuctionHouse Dinamic Duel Reset Dungeon AutoBalance Rates x3 [Weekends with double x ..Details
SOLO Leveling - Arise
Welcome to SOLO Leveling Enjoy your stay with usServer FeaturesBlizzlike with high rates - Maximum number of NPCbots, TemplateNPC, Transmog, Buffer and many more ..Details
Royaumes Stables et scriptes - Blizzlike - NPC Bots - PVE PVP - Solocraft - Hardcore - Anti Cheat - Transmogrifer - Crossfaction - Reforging ..Details
Servidor WOW Gratis de Habla Hispana administrados por Piki y Oblivion No Pay to Win, Contamos con Launcher Profecional el cual facilita la compra y venta de personajes entre jugadores ..Details
The Black Armada
Were here to kick Horde Were a pretty small guild and want to stay that way so visit our site, all our information is in there ..Details
World of Warcraft Power
World of Warcraft Power is a WoW fansite with tons of information and fan interaction ..Details
The Heroic Tribe
A horde playing world of warcraft clan We will play on the pvp server Come and visit us and register in our forums ..Details
Order of the Maelstrom
Order of the Maelstrom is a friendly WoW Guild All factions welcomeCheck out the Website for more info ..Details
Druids of the Wood
A WoW fansite for Druids by Druids about Druids ..Details
Disbelievers of Faith (Online Gamers)
DoF is the MMORPG wing of Online Gamers, a European timezone PvP wow teamspeak guild ..Details
Blood Moon Clan - For the Horde
The Blood Moon Clan is a family, and the first goal of the Blood Moon Clan family is to make sure its members have a good time ..Details